Artist Bio.

Terrible golfer.

Hi, I’m Jared.
Terrible golfer.
Let’s rewind a bit. My professional career began at a small family-owned company in downtown Columbus, Ohio. In my first official role as a Graphic Designer I was responsible for digitally editing, reconstructing, and printing duplicates of large theater backdrops. Translation = they paid me to play around on Photoshop all day and print things on a gigantic printer. It was a pretty cool gig for a young kid fresh out of college.
There were some growing pains at the start, but it wasn’t long before I was running a full-time photography program out of our own professional studio. Within a few years I was in charge of all in-house photography for each brand owned by our parent company. We even had several product manufacturers in the EMS industry asking us to do their photography too. I guess I had a knack for this photography thing after all 😉
I love what I do. It is a great feeling to be able to help my clients grow their businesses. Sure, I don’t have the comfort of a 9-5 gig anymore. But that’s ok. When I see how my work directly impacts my clients I get more satisfaction than I ever had inside a cubicle.
Need some creative help? Give me a shout anytime. I am always on the lookout for new clients and interesting projects!

Work keeps me fairly busy nowadays, but when I’m not crunching away on a project you can find me writing music, spending time with my family, losing perfectly good golf balls, and fixing up guitars.