Featured Project.


Alternate Solutions
Health Network


Wall Calendar Design

Alternate Solutions Health Network collaborates with health systems in joint venture partnerships to create a post-acute care solution, delivering efficient centralized operations and utilizing a best-in-class software platform.

Every fall, Forts Studios partners with our preferred commercial printer to provide the Alternate Solutions Health Network with a series of calendars for the upcoming year.

This is always an interesting project due to the number of variables involved. To begin with, every hospital within the health network has it’s own established brand. So our first challenge is to create a separate version of the calendar for each individual care provider. Once that is done, we create multiple variations of each branded calendar to provide the end user with their choice of several different scenic photos. And to make things even more complex, we go through that entire process twice – once with a vertical layout of the calendars, and once with a horizontal layout.

By the end of the project we will typically have over 100 individual calendar files. It is certainly a challenge, but it is an important project because it promotes collaboration across the health network. And since the end users will hang them all year long, the branded calendars are also a great sales tool.

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